Chorus fundraiser

Fundraisers are a great way to raise money for an organization, project, or anything really. It is not unusual to see someone carrying around a box of chocolate to sell. The High school chorus has been fundraising for three weeks now, busy trying to raise money for their music department. If you see someone carrying a box of The World’s Finest Chocolate, buy some!

“The Chorus is raising money toward new folders and equipment we need, and also a possible trip to Broadway, or Penn State to see a musical. The money keeps rolling in more and more every day, but so far we’ve raised about $600.00! We’re hoping to raise another thousand,” says Mrs. Marciante, the chorus director here at Jim Thorpe High School.

“World’s Finest Chocolate is a great company! The reason I went with them is three-fold.  One – they have their own ten-acre plantation in the Caribbean. Then the raw material is shipped to the US for manufacturing and distribution – the entire production is USA made, from the seed to the chocolate bars, to the wrappers.  Supporting this kind of business is very important to me. Two – it’s gluten AND peanut free!  So many people have issues – from annoying intolerances to devastating allergies – I thought it was important to sell a product everyone could enjoy.  Three – I like the product. I know they are $2.00 bars, but you’re getting twice the chocolate AND a coupon use for all kinds of restaurants and businesses across the country! That’s a deal, if you ask me!”

It seems like everyone is excited for the new possibilities that this fundraiser brings to us.

“I think that the fundraiser is a good way for us to raise money to get out ourselves out there on trips, and see what we really can do with music,” Sam Sterner, a junior says. “We, as a chorus, have always wanted a trip to ourselves, and now that we have the opportunity to as well as get better things for our group is really promising and exciting.”


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