Articles by chrystenrighetti

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2017’s student of the year

Every year, students are given opportunities to help raise awareness and money for worthy causes. Some students from the Jim Thorpe High School have joined the campaign and have made a huge impact on a…

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Prom preparations: the works

It is that time of the year again: a time for romance and expensive dresses. That is right, it is prom season! The clothes, the shoes, the hair, the makeup… How do the prom-goers cope?…

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Chorus fundraiser

Fundraisers are a great way to raise money for an organization, project, or anything really. It is not unusual to see someone carrying around a box of chocolate to sell. The High school chorus has…

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Flag football tournament, a senior project

Senior projects are a mandatory requirement for graduating at the Jim Thorpe High School. Students can choose to work on their own, or collaborate with other students. It is not uncommon to see more project…

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How to deal with the stress of schoolwork and midterms

As midterms draw closer, teachers are giving more homework assignments to better prepare their students. How will the students cope with the stress? “Utilize PODs,” freshman Kaylyn Joseph says, “It’s easier to do some of…

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